History of Hialde
The Deouuae Revolution Chapter OneThe Deouuae Revolution Chapter TwoThe Deouuae Revolution Chapter Three

Deouuae Revolution Chapter Two - Three Years in Reiabeuxch

The Journey of Baron Naphtali to Reiabeuxch

The Journey from Berheimger, Deouuae to Incambjia, Reiabeuxch likely took a little less than two Months, with Stops along the way for Commerce and Supplies. The most dangerous Portion of the Voyage was navigating the Sea of Stones surrounding Deouuae during inclement Winter Storms. Even with the best Weather, the jagged Rocks that give this Sea its Name have sunk countless Ships. After Decades of using Explosives to clear a safe Passage, the Sea of Stones remains perilous. The only Reason a Merchant would risk sailing in such Conditions would be to avoid Pirates. Pirates were generally less skilled than Merchant Mariners and usually didn't risk Winter Raids. As a result, many Traders preferred Winter Storms instead of Summer Pirates.

Map of Reiabeuxch

The Island of Reiabeuxch is the second biggest Island in the Dividing Sea. It is about 1/18th the size of the Queendom of Deouuae and is split between East and West. The Perium of Hialde controls the East and Eos Thuna controls the West. Much to the Detriment of the Inhabitants of Reiabeuxch, the Island has been the Site of Proxy Wars between the two Empires that concluded only once the Island was divided. Centuries of War have decimated the ancient Culture of Reiabeuxch; however, a few Members of the native Inhabitants keep the old Traditions alive.

A trading Ship leaving Berheimger pulls Naphtali from the Ice.

Naphtali is resuscitated by the Crew.

Naphtali arrives in Incambjia, Reiabeuxch and is sold as an Indentured Servant to Trader Vodnikias.

Trader Relande is sold the Research on the Icewind Night written by Naphtali.

Trader Vodnikias operates his Household with Indentured Servants paid too little to repay their Debts.

Naphtali meets Water Priestess Aegle while fetching Water.

Naphtali tells Priestess Aegle his Story every time they meet at the Water Well.

Priestess Aegle introduces Naphtali to Trader Relande.

Trader Relande studies ancient History and wants to work with Naphtali.

Trader Relande originates from the Mainland and traveled the Perium to discover ancient History. By remembering forgotten Stories, the Dead can be given a second Life by being remembered. After a Lifetime traveling the Perium, she sailed to Reiabeuxch to record what remains of the native Culture before the Conflict between the Perium and Eos Thuna destroys it. Trader Relande has worked closely with Priestess Aegle to achieve this Goal.

Because Naphtali explored forgotten Deouuaen Ruins and researched the forgotten History of his Queendom, Trader Relande wants to record his Experiences and compare them to her Research.

Trader Vodmikias refuses to sell the Debt of Naphtali to Trader Relande.

Trader Vodnikias inflicts more Cruelty on his Indentured Servants.
While each Queendom, City State, and Incorporated Region within the Perium of Hialde has its own unique culture, they generally have Castes with structured Hierarchies within each Caste. Someone might torment a fellow Caste Member who is ranked lower in the Hierarchy or torture Someone in a lower Caste. Trader Vodnikias originated from the Sufok Confederation, a region of the Perium known for its violent enforcement of Social Structure.

Naphtali studies the History of Deouuae with Trader Relande in Secret.

Naphtali and Trader Relande learn the hidden past of Deouuae.

The Descendants of Queen Wynona protected Deouuae from evil Snow Demons.

The Snow Demons conquered Deouuae after it was weakened by an Invasion by the Wunmi Empire.
The Wunmi Empire originated from what is now the Sufok Confederation. Its failed Attempt to unify the Hialdese Continent under one Queen provided a Framework for the Perium to achieve this Goal three Centuries later.

The Snow Demons destroyed the Past and made themselves Queens and High Nobility of Deouuae.

The Snow Demons created the Icewind Night to hide Assassinations.

Naphtali vows to liberate Deouuae from the Snow Demons, disguised as High Nobility.

Trader Relande offers to pay twice the Debt of Naphtali to Trader Vodnikias so Naphtali can return to Deouuae.

Trader Vodnikias is angered by the new Attempt of Trader Relande to buy the Debt of Naphtali and attacks her.

Naphtali defends Trader Relande.

Trader Relande dies and Naphtali kills Trader Vodnikias with a Brick.

Naphtali seeks Priestess Aegle at her Temple for Help.

Priestess Aegle attends to the Wounds of Naphtali.

Naphtali disguises himself as Trader Vodnikias and tells Soldiers that he and Trader Relande were attacked by his Servant.
It is speculated that few People were deceived by Naphtali's Disguise. However, Trader Relande was highly valued by the Citizens of Incambija and, to honor Naphtali for avenging her Death, they were willing to turn a blind Eye.

Disguised as Trader Vodnikias, Naphtali frees the Indentured Servants.

Priestess Aegle takes Ownership of the Research Library of Trader Relande.

Naphtali leaves Reiabeuxch to return to Deouuae.

The End of Chapter Two.  To be Concluded in Chapter Three.

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